Electronic Policy Delivery (EPD)

Sign up for Electronic Policy Delivery today!

Just follow these easy steps:


Choose one person within your agency to begin receiving our EPD emails. Ideally this person should be someone who normally checks in/processes the policies. (Please contact Hagerty if you need more than one person to receive the emails.)


Click on the link below to register. All you need is the email address of the person that's been selected and an easy-to-remember password.

A collage of 2 photos showing collector vehicles in a garage.
Electronic Policy Delivery (EPD)

We know time is money, so to help, all Hagerty policies are mailed directly to the client. This includes new business, renewals, endorsements, cancellations and invoices. Electronic Policy Delivery is a program that delivers email notifications of policy transactions via a secured link to your inbox.

A collage of 2 images, one with a woman driving a collector convertible and another with a collector vehicle on a road.
Electronic Policy Delivery features:
  • Instant access to policies
  • Password-protected and secure
  • Convenient and time-saving

If you have any questions, please email us at agent@hagerty.com or call our office. For your convenience, we are open seven days a week.